Do you have a college-bound child with diabetes? Share this post. Spread the word about best practices for diabetic college students to stay safe on campus:
1. Once your student knows what college she'll be attending, ask your health care provider about resources for college-bound students.
2. Contact Student Services at the college well in advance and explain that as a student with diabetes, your child has specific needs.
3. Discuss medical issues with the appropriate people.
4. Make sure your child wears a Medic Alert bracelet, and that all the contact information on it is up to date.
5. Don't expect to hear from your student every day.
Remember the old adage: No news is good news. "Don't worry Kids with diabetes can do anything they want to..
Tired of pricking your fingers multiple times a day? In about 2 years, a new form of technology will hopefully be available that uses your SALIVA to test your blood sugar!